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Epilogue: Getting to Wow (Enjoy, Experience, Engage)
What is a “WOW?” When experiencing speechless delight it is 1. surprising 2. personal 3. contagious Just design the strategy, set up...

What you need to know to harness mobile apps, social CRM and gamification
Enhancing Digital Experiences with Mobile Apps 1. Determine Use Cases Conduct market research to identify customer frustration ...

Part III Tactical Marketing Applications in the Digital Economy
Understanding Humans Using Digital Anthropology Use social listening, netnography and emphatic research. Social listening is advantageous...

Identify your customer path and key success factor in business
#DigitalMarketing #MBA #industryarchetypes #Channel #Brand #Sales #ServiceManagement #BestPractices

Introducing PAR and BAR
CHAPTER 6 MARKETING PRODUCTIVITY METRICS (PAR = Purchase Action Ratio and BAR=Brand Advocacy Ratio) How good does our company convert...

The new customer path leads to a new understanding of the customer
#DigitalMarketing #MBA #customerpath #brandbuilding

What is Marketing 4.0?
Moving from Traditional to Digital FROM SEGMENTATION AND TARGETING: TFC still relies on creating a persona for its ads through TV which...

Leverage influential digital audiences
A. [endif]Youth: Acquiring the Mindshare Our Gen Z market in TFC are second generation Filipinos who acknowledge they’re Americans...

Embrace customer paradoxes to win
#DigitalMarketing #MBA #infographics #consumerparadox

A report on how digital transformation shaped my world
#DigitalMarketing #MBA #Report #infographics
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