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Leverage influential digital audiences

A. [endif]Youth: Acquiring the Mindshare

Our Gen Z market in TFC are second generation Filipinos who acknowledge they’re Americans first with Filipino ancestry. They are born and raised in the U.S. so their culture is like that of an American citizen i.e. subscribe to Netflix, use Instagram and Snapchat with preference to use mobile.

B. [endif]Women: Growing the Market Share

TFC’s Baby Boomer generation are the women who love watching primetime

drama and go to live events. They have smartphones for calling relatives and using Facebook for social engagements.

C. [endif]Netizens: Expanding the Heart Share

As a global company, our netizens are diverse in composition. We have the celebrities, the tri-media press people, bloggers, employees, fans of the content and detractors as well. They use Twitter and blogs to provide coverage of press releases from corporate communication and on the extreme, provide gossip entertainment.


1. How can your business acquire greater mind share by leveraging YOUTH’S roles of early adopters and trendsetters?

Get them as online test groups for launching new products. The youth are fond of FREE stuff that are user-friendly because they have limited spending habits. They transform the way ads are served to them no longer appealing to hard sell and more emotional in appeal.

Do FGDs to get new ideas and develop products specific to their needs. Though the business is still adjusting to the agile organization set-up, moment marketing and picking up trends creates a mothball effect to get the brand heard by this largest demographic, especially in the Philippines. They almost always Tweet brands they love instantly, without the company spending for it.

2. How can your business grow market share by leveraging the household influence of WOMEN?

Improve online experience in the buying journey making it convenient and easy. Aid women in decision making and make sure to create a marketing mix that appeals to every touchpoint from awareness then purchase up to advocacy.

Create products i.e. shows that appeal to their aspirations. Shows become their source of entertainment which builds credibility and patronage to other products for cross-selling i.e. merchandise and live events.

3. How can your business identify and utilize NETIZENS to win greater heart share?

Use Big Data Analytics. Identify influencers who have a big share of voice like YouTube content creators as an example to talk to their own audience.

Identify overall news & current affairs themes that can stir conversations. Social listening allows organic and earned impressions that create a bigger reach to an audience that strongly support or echo similar advocacy extending the brand involvement.

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